Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference


The IXMLDOMParseError2 interface extends the IXMLDOMParseError interface and provides enhanced error handling functionality. With IXMLDOMParseError2, you can:

Use the parseError property of DOMDocument to access this interface from a DOM object.


Property Description
allErrors Returns a collection of all errors and warnings found during validation. Read-only.
errorParametersCount Returns the number of error parameters returned in errorParameters. Read-only.
errorXPath Returns an XPath expression, which locates the node where the error occurred. Read-only


Method Description
errorParameters For a given index, this method returns the corresponding parameter used to construct the error message.




Implementation: msxml5.dll, msxml2.lib


Header and IDL files: msxml2.h, msxml2.idl

Inheritance: Inherits from the IXMLDOMParseError interface.


MSXML 5.0 and later

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See Also

IXMLDOMDocument::parseError Property | IXMLDOMParseError Interface | IXMLDOMParseErrorCollection Interface