Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office - DOM Reference

errorParametersCount Property

This read-only property returns the number of error parameters used in an error message. A zero value means that the error message has no error parameters. The index is zero-based; therefore, when the number of error parameters is non-zero, the value of this property equals the index of the last parameter, minus one.


Script Syntax

intParams = objXMLDOMParseError2.errorParametersCount;
[Visual Basic]

Visual Basic Syntax

intParams = objXMLDOMParseError2.errorParametersCount

C/C++ Syntax Using Smart Pointers

INT intParams = objXMLDOMParseError2->errorParametersCount;

C/C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_errorParametersCount (
    INT * intParams);


intParams [out,retval]
A pointer to an integer corresponding to the number of the error parameters.

Return Values

The parameter has been retrieved successfully.
Operation failed.


See the example for the errorParameters method.

Applies To

IXMLDOMParseError2 Interface


MSXML 5.0 and later

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See Also

IXMLDOMParseError2 Interface