Specifies the data type for this element or attribute. When a DTD is used, the dataType
property is only applicable to attributes, in which case dataType returns the attribute-type according to the DTD. The value returned will use XDR naming conventions, however. In other words, the type is returned in lower-case. This is different from the DTD convention. When using XDR, or when an element has a dt:dt attribute, elements may also have datatypes.
objValue = oXMLDOMNode.dataType; objXMLDOMNode.dataType = objValue;
var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.5.0"); xmlDoc.async = false; xmlDoc.loadXML("<root/>"); if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) { var myErr = xmlDoc.parseError; alert("You have error " + myErr.reason); } else { var root = xmlDoc.documentElement; root.dataType = "int"; root.nodeTypedValue = 5; alert(xmlDoc.xml); }
objValue = oXMLDOMNode.dataType objXMLDOMNode.dataType = objValue
Dim xmlDoc As New Msxml2.DOMDocument50 Dim root As IXMLDOMElement xmlDoc.async = False xmlDoc.loadXML "<root/>" If (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then Dim myErr Set myErr = xmlDoc.parseError MsgBox("You have error " & myErr.reason) Else Set root = xmlDoc.documentElement root.dataType = "int" root.nodeTypedValue = 5 MsgBox xmlDoc.xml End If
HRESULT get_dataType( VARIANT *dataTypeName); HRESULT put_dataType( BSTR dataTypeName);
parameter is Null.put_dataType
only)The property is read/write. The VARIANT can be a BSTR that contains the data type name, or VT_NULL if no data type is defined. This property applies to DTDs only, not to XML-Data Reduced (XDR) schemas or XML Schemas (XSD). This value depends on the value of the nodeType
property of the IXMLDOMNode
This member is an extension of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Document Object Model (DOM).
NODE_ATTRIBUTE | Contains the string representation of the data type specifier included in the schema, or Null if no data type is specified. |
Contains the constant string value "string". These node types do not have data types, so the dataType property cannot be set for these node types. Attempts to set this property are ignored. |
NODE_ELEMENT | Contains the string representation of the data type specifier included on the instance of the element or in the schema, or Null if no data type is specified. |
NODE_ENTITY_REFERENCE | Contains the string representation of the data type specifier for the referenced entity. This is limited to entities with a single data type on the root level element of the subtree corresponding to the entity. Contains Null if no data type is specified. It is not possible to set the data type of an entity reference. The data type must be set directly on the referenced element. Attempts to set the value of the dataType property are ignored. |
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Applies to: IXMLDOMAttribute | IXMLDOMCDATASection | IXMLDOMCharacterData | IXMLDOMComment | DOMDocument | IXMLDOMDocumentFragment | IXMLDOMDocumentType | IXMLDOMElement | IXMLDOMEntity | IXMLDOMEntityReference | IXMLDOMNode | IXMLDOMNotation | IXMLDOMProcessingInstruction | IXMLDOMText