This Starter Kit provides a quick introduction to the XSLT technology as implemented in Microsoft® XML Core Services (MSXML) 5.0 for Microsoft Office. At the end of the section, you will have the information you need to create simple XSLT solutions as you continue to learn and explore the technology. This section contains the following topics:
A brief overview of XSLT as a W3C standard and as a programming language.
A glance at XSLT processes, the tree of nodes representation, and two ways to link XSLT style sheets with source XML documents.
Find quick answers and learn from the experience of other developers.
A brief discussion of the requirements for creating an XSLT solution.
A brief discussion of some issues you might encounter when deploying XSLT solutions in Windows or Internet Explorer.
A brief discussion of XSLT supported features and compliance with standards.
Provides links to other XSLT resources.