GRPFROM= location of ISGROUPS= = No, before &END |
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Only use this if you have too many items to put conveniently on one line of the ISGROUPS= control variable.
Instructs where to find the ISGROUPS= information.
ISGROUPS= is a control variable before &END (the standard).
ISGROUPS= information follows just after &END, but before the item names. It is formatted exactly like a data record. It is helpful to enter "ISGROUPS=", for reference, where the person name would go.
Example: An attitude survey of 10 items with 3 rating scale definitions. Items 1 through 3 on Rating Scale 1, items 4 through 6 on Rating Scale 2 and items 7 through 10 on Rating Scale 3. The ISGROUPS= information is formatted like a data record and entered after &END and before the item names. The responses are in columns 1-10, and the person-id in column 11 onwards.
NAME1=11 start of person-id
ITEM1=1 start of responses
NI=10 number of items
CODES=12345 valid responses
GRPFRM=Y ISGROUPS= formatted like data
1112223333 ISGROUPS= information
Item name 1 item names
Item name 10
2213243223 John Smith first data record