IDELQU= delete items interactively = No

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Use this if you have one or two items to delete or will be running repeatedly with different deletion and selection patterns, otherwise use IDFILE=.


If your system is interactive, items to be deleted or selected can be entered interactively by setting IDELQU=Y. If you specify this, you will be asked if you want to delete any items. If you respond "yes", it will ask if you want to read these deleted items from a file; if you answer "yes" it will ask for the file name and process that file in the same manner as if IDFILE= had been specified. If you answer "no", you will be asked to enter the sequence number or numbers of items to be deleted or selected one line at a time, following the rules specified for IDFILE=. When you are finished, enter a zero.


Example: You are doing a number of analyses, deleting a few, but different, items each analysis. You don't want to create a lot of small delete files, but rather just enter the numbers directly into the program using:






You want to delete items 23 and 50 through 59.

WINSTEPS asks you:


respond YES(Enter)


respond NO(Enter)


respond 23(Enter) (the first item to be deleted)


INPUT ITEM TO DELETE (0 TO END): 0(Enter) (to end deletion)


If you make a mistake, it is simple to start again, reinstate all items with

INPUT ITEM TO DELETE (0 TO END): +1-999(Enter)

where 999 is the length of your test or more, and start selection again.