IVALUEx= recoding of data (with IREFER=)

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Responses are revalued according to the matching codes in IREFER= (or ISGROUPS= if IREFER= is omitted). Items in IREFER= not referenced by an IVALUEx= are not recoded.


IVALUEa= is the same as IVALUEA=


The recoded values in IVALUEx= line up vertically with the response codes in CODES=, if a data value does not match any value in CODES= it will be treated as missing.


Valid one-character IVALUE= codes include: !#$%&-./123456789<>@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_|~


A-Z are the same as a-z.


Characters with ASCII codes from 129-255 can also be used, but display peculiarly: ÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâã etc.


When XWIDE=2 or more, then

either (a) Use one character per XWIDE and blanks,





or (b) Use one character per item with no blanks





Layout is:


 NI = 17

 IREFER = AABCADBCDEEDEAABC  ; the recoding type designators for the 17 items

 ;  see the vertical line up here

 CODES   = 0123456 ; valid codes across all items

 IVALUEA = 012**** ; recodes for Grouping A 

 IVALUEB = *1224** ; recodes for Grouping B: "2" and "3" recoded to "2"

 IVALUEC = *122226 ; 1-2-6 acts as 1-2-3 because STKEEP=NO

 IVALUED = 012333* 

 IVALUEE = 00123** 

 STKEEP=NO  ; missing intermediate codes are squeezed out


Example 1: Items identified by Y and Z in IREFER= are to be recoded.

Y-type items are 1-3, 7-8. Z-type items are 4-6, 9-10. All items have their own rating (or partial credit) scales,

 NI = 10

 IREFER = YYYZZZYYZZ ; items identified by type: item 1 is Y, item 4 is Z etc.

 CODES  = ABCD ; original codes in the data

 IVALUEY= 1234 ; for Y-type items, this converts A to 1, B to 2, C to 3, D to 4

 IVALUEZ= 4321 ; for Z-type items, this converts A to 4, B to 3, C to 2, D to 1

 ISGROUPS=0 ; allow each item to have its own rating (or partial credit) scale structure


Example 2: Items identified by 1, 2, 3 in ISGROUPS= are to be recoded and given there own rating (or partial credit) scales

Y-type items are 1-3, 7-8. Z-type items are 4-6, 9-10.

  NI = 10


  CODES= ABCD ; original codes in the data

  IVALUEY= 1234

  IVALUEZ= 4321



  NI = 10



  CODES= ABCD ; original codes in the data

  IVALUEY= 1234

  IVALUEZ= 4321


Example 3: All items are to be recoded the same way.

NI = 100   ; 100 ITEMS


1-100 X   ; FOR ALL 100 ITEMS, reference is X


Codes = 12345  ; rescore 12345

IVALUEX = 12223 ; into 12223