SAITEM= item numbers in SFILE= and SAFILE= (with one ISGROUPS=) = No |
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Rating-scale Structure Files SFILE= and Structure Anchor Files SAFILE= (Rating (or partial credit) scale step anchoring files) have the format:
For only one active grouping in ISGROUPS=, or no ISGROUPS= |
step-number |
step-calibration |
For multiple groupings in ISGROUPS=, or no ISGROUPS= |
example-item-number in grouping |
step-number |
step-calibration |
To specify that the multiple grouping format be used when there is only one active grouping, specify SAITEM=YES
Example: "Liking for Science" step anchor file:
Standard format for the Rating Scale model:
ISGROUPS= ; no groupings specified
1 -1.8 ; Rasch-Andrich threshold from category 0 to category 1
2 1.8 ; Rasch-Andrich threshold from category 1 to category 2
Alternative format allowing an example item number to identify the grouping, say item 10
10 1 -1.8
10 2 1.8