SISEED= simulated data seed = 0 (clock)

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Data simulated with SIFILE= . See simulated data file. Simulated data files are constructed using a random number generator for selecting the responses. The random generator number uses a seed value to initiate its pseudo-random sequence of numbers. The seed value can either be set by the user, or be the current value of the system clock.


SISEED = 0 or 1 means use the system clock to seed the random number generator.

SISEED = 2 or above (integer) means use this value to seed the random number generator.


If more than one simulated data file is produced with SINUMBER= then

if SISEED = 0 or 1, the new current setting of the system clock is used for each simulated file

if SISEED > 1, the user-specified seed is advanced by 1 for each simulated file


Example: You want to simulate the same data set several times, so you choose the seed:

SISEED = 237 ; 237 is any number.