Table 23.4, 24.4 Person or item contrast

Top Up Down  A A

Please do not interpret this as a usual factor analysis. These plots show contrasts between opposing factors, not loadings on one factor. For more discussion, see dimensionality and contrasts.


The effect of the contrast between the oppositely loading items (Table 23) or persons (Table 24) at the top and bottom of the contrast plot is shown here.


Responses by up to 9 persons (or on up to 9 items) to the items (or by the persons) with extreme positive loadings and the items (or persons) with extreme negative loadings are identified. These responses are seen to be higher, as expected, or lower than the model predicts. Counts of these are obtained for each person (or item). The persons (or items) showing the biggest impact of this contrast are listed first. Items and persons showing the most contrast are chosen for this Table based on the "Liking for Science" data.


Table 23.4, showing the impact of the first contrast in the item residuals on persons:





|          FAVORS TOP             |

| TOP 7 ACTS     | BOTTOM 7 ACTS  |

| HIGH  EXP. LOW | HIGH  EXP. LOW |     Persons scoring higher than expected on the top 7 items


|    5    2    0 |    0    3    4 | 15  DYSON, STEPHIE NINA 

|    5    2    0 |    0    3    4 | 26  NEIMAN, RAYMOND



|          FAVORS BOTTOM          |

| TOP 7 ACTS     | BOTTOM 7 ACTS  |

| HIGH  EXP. LOW | HIGH  EXP. LOW |      Persons scoring higher than expected on the bottom 7 items


|    0    3    4 |    0    7    0 | 8   LAMBERT, MD., ROSS W.

|    0    3    4 |    0    7    0 | 11  HSIEH, PAUL FRED

|    0    5    2 |    3    3    1 | 32  ROSSNER, JACK

|    0    3    4 |    0    7    0 | 51  REISS, STEVE



Table 24.4, showing the impact of the first contrast in the person residuals on items:





|          FAVORS TOP             |


| HIGH  EXP. LOW | HIGH  EXP. LOW |      Items biased towards top 9 persons


|    9    0    0 |    0    0    9 | 23  WATCH A RAT

|    8    1    0 |    0    1    8 | 5   FIND BOTTLES AND CANS

|    7    2    0 |    1    7    1 | 20  WATCH BUGS



|          FAVORS BOTTOM          |


| HIGH  EXP. LOW | HIGH  EXP. LOW |      Items biased towards bottom 9 persons


|    0    4    5 |    0    9    0 | 13  GROW GARDEN

|    0    5    4 |    0    9    0 | 2   READ BOOKS ON ANIMALS

|    0    5    4 |    0    9    0 | 15  READ ANIMAL STORIES

|    0    5    4 |    0    9    0 | 24  FIND OUT WHAT FLOWERS LIVE ON



HIGH = scored response is higher than the expected range

EXP. = scored response is in the expected range

LOW = scored response is lower than the expected range


The expected range is "scored response within 0.5 score points of the expected response".