UASCALE= the anchor user-scale value of 1 logit = 0

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Specifies the number of units per logit of the anchor values.

UASCALE=0 - the anchor values are in the current output scale set with USCALE=

UASCALE= other value - this is the units per logit of the anchor values.


UIMEAN= and UPMEAN= are ignored when there are anchor values.


Example 1: The anchor values are user-scaled such that 1 logit is 45.5 units, so that differences of -100, -50, 0, +50, +100 correspond to success rates of 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%:

UASCALE = 45.5

; 1 logit = 45.4 user-units


Example 2: The anchor values are on one scaling, but you want the reported values to be on another scaling.


; there are 5 units per logit in the scaled values


; you want 10 units per logit on the reported values


Example 3: The anchor measures are in logit scaling, the output measures are to be in user-scaling.


; anchor values in logits


; 30 user-units per logit


Example 4: Anchor measures are in same scaling as the output measures


; anchor values in USCALE= scaling


; also used for anchor values


Example 5: Anchor values are scaled in Probits, not Logits

UASCALE = 0.588

; 1 logit = 0.588 probits