USCALE= the user-scaled value of 1 logit = 1

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Specifies the number of reported user-scaled units per logit. When USCALE=1 (or USCALE= is omitted) then all measures are in logits.


Table 20 gives the UMEAN= and USCALE= values for a conversion that gives the measures a range of 0-100.


Example 1: You want to user-rescale 1 logit into 45.5 units, so that differences of -100, -50, 0, +50, +100 correspond to success rates of 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%:

USCALE = 45.5


Example 2: You want to reverse the measurement directions, since the data matrix is transposed so that the 'items' are examinees and the 'persons' are test questions:


KEYn=, RESCORE=, ISGROUPS= will still apply to the columns, not the rows, of the data matrix. Centering will still be on the column measures.


Example 3: You want to approximate the "probit" measures used in many statistical procedures.

 UPMEAN = 0  ; set the person sample mean to zero

 USCALE = 0.59  ; probits * 1.7 = logits


Example 4: You want to report measures in "log-odds units to the base 10" (lods) instead of the standard "logits to the base e".

 USCALE=0.434294482 ; the conversion between "natural" and base-10 logarithms.


For more examples, and how to compute this by hand, see User-friendly rescaling