Using the HSDS Modifier

The HSDS (Hierarchical SubDivision Surface) modifier is a finishing tool rather than a modeling tool. It gives you the best result when working on low-polygon models, like the P-38 Lightning.

This lesson will give you a better understanding of HSDS modifier's use. You'll use the modifier on the tail of the airplane to give it a couple of levels of detail.

Set up the lesson:

Refine the rudder:

  1. In the Right viewport, use Zoom Region to center the view around the rudder of the airplane.

  2. Select the Lightning.
  3. Go to the Modify panel and pick the Editable Poly entry in the Modifier stack.
  4. Click the Show End Result On/Off Toggle button that is located along the bottom of the modifier stack.
  5. From the Modifiers menu, choose Subdivision Surfaces > HSDS Modifier
  6. From the HSDS Parameters rollout, turn on the Element button.

    You'll see half of the airplane displayed in a yellow mesh.

  7. Select the rudder element.

  8. Click the Subdivide button under the level-of-detail display.

    The rudder becomes more refined and the edges are much smoother. A level of detail, Level 1 is added to the level of detail list.

    HSDS allows you increase the mesh resolution of specific parts of the model instead of the entire model

  9. On the HSDS Parameters rollout, turn on the Polygon button, then drag a selection window over the rear polygons on the rudder.

  10. Click the Subdivide button again.

    A second level of detail is added to the level of detail list and the rear part of the rudder is even more refined.

  11. Click the display button next to the Base Level.

    Level 1 and 2 are turned off and you see the original polygons you started with.


Using the Edit Normal Modifier