Importing Motion-Capture Data

You can import a file either in its raw state with keys at every frame, or with key reduction filtering. You can also edit raw motion-capture data by moving footsteps in Footstep mode and adding layers to keyframe the upper body. In this lesson, you'll import a raw motion-capture file and edit footsteps.

Edit a raw motion-capture file:

  1. Create a biped.
  2. On the Motion panel, in the Motion Capture rollout, click Load Motion Capture File.
  3. Open fashion1.csm.

    If this file does not appear in the Open dialog, be sure the Files Of Type drop-down list is set to .csm.

  4. On the Motion Capture Conversion Parameters dialog, choose On for Footstep Extraction and choose No Key Reduction for Conversion. Click OK.

    The file loads with keys at every frame.

  5. On the Biped rollout, turn on Footstep Mode.
  6. In the Front or Left viewport, select footsteps 2 and 3, and move them up.

  7. Click Play Animation.

    The biped with keys at every frame adapts smoothly to the edited footsteps.

  8. In the Top viewport, select footsteps 7 through 21.
  9. On the Footstep Operations rollout, set Bend to a negative value.

    The footstep path bends out. The biped adapts naturally to the footsteps.

  10. Turn off Footstep Mode.
  11. Drag the time slider to frame 250.
  12. On the Biped rollout, open the expansion bar. In the Modes group, turn on Bend Links Mode.
  13. Turn on the Auto Key button to begin animation.
  14. In the Layers rollout, click Create Layer.
  15. Rotate the spine so the character stands up straight, rather than leaning back during the walk.
  16. Click Play Animation to view the changes.

    The character walks more upright.

  17. In the Layers rollout, click Collapse.

    This collapses the spine editing down to the original animation, and will take some time.

Filter the data for key reduction:

  1. On the Motion Capture rollout, click Convert From Buffer.
  2. On the Motion Capture Conversion Parameters dialog, choose On for Footstep Extraction and choose Use Key Reduction for Conversion. Click OK.

    The raw data in the motion-capture buffer is filtered with key reduction.

    The motion-capture buffer contains the raw data buffered when the file was first read in. This data is used to either try new filter settings quickly, or to paste a pose from the raw information in the buffer onto a biped with filtered data. If you plan on major editing of motion-capture data, then key reduction is the way to go.

Compare the raw and filtered data:

  1. On the Motion Capture rollout, click Show Buffer.
  2. In the Biped rollout, open the expansion bar. In the Display group, switch from Objects to Bones on the flyout.

  3. Click Play Animation.

    The raw data represented by the red stick figure closely matches the filtered data represented by the other stick figure.

    This motion does not contain any high frequency data (fast motion), so it's not necessary to correct the filtered motion. Later in the tutorial, you’ll filter a file with high frequency information and add correction.

  4. Save your work as MyMotionCapture01.max.

    You'll use this file as the start of the next lesson.


Comparing Trajectories