Setting Up Hips, Back, Neck and Shoulders

Open the sample file:

You will approach this lesson in a similar manner to the hinge constraint lesson in that you'll go through one of the joints in detail and then use a table of parameters to construct the other constraints. The setup for each Rag Doll constraint is identical, so once you've mastered the first one you should have no trouble setting up the rest of the character. You start with the hips.

Create Rag Doll constraints for the hips:

  1. On the Create panel, click Helpers and choose reactor from the drop-down list.
  2. On the Create panel > Object Type rollout, click Ragdoll.
  3. Click in a viewport to create a Ragdoll helper object.

    Next, you choose which objects to associate with this constraint.

  4. On the Modify panel > Properties rollout, click the button labeled None, next to Child.
  5. Press H and from the Object Select dialog, choose RThigh and click Pick.

    The button beside Child should now read RThigh.

  6. Turn on Parent.

    This tells reactor to constrain two bodies together.

  7. Click the button labeled None, next to Parent.
  8. Press H and from the Pick Object dialog, choose Pelvis, then click Pick

    The button beside Parent should now read Pelvis and the scene should look like this:

    Next, you need to adjust the Rag Doll constraint limits so that it behaves like a real hip joint:

  9. In the Modify panel > Properties rollout > Limits group, set Twist Min to -5.0 and Twist Max to 5.0.
  10. Set Cone Min to -25.0 and Cone Max to 55.0.
  11. Set Plane Min to -45.0 and Plane Max to 2.5.

    You have completed your first Rag Doll constraint. Once you have successfully finished with that constraint, you can move on to completing the rest in a similar fashion.

Create Ragdoll constraints for the back, neck, and shoulders:

Add the Rag Doll constraints to the Constraint Solver:

  1. Press H and select the CSolver01 object.
  2. On the Modify panel > Properties rollout, click Add.
  3. Select all the objects (Rag Doll constraints) and click Select.

    Now the Constraint Solver has all of the constraints in it and the scene is ready to preview once again. First, save your scene.

  4. Choose File menu > Save As and save the file as my_character03.max

Preview your character:


Creating the Animation