Adding a Ring Effect

Now you'll add a ring effect to the Sun's glow.

Enhance your sun with a ring effect:

  1. In the Effects tab of the Environment and Effects dialog, scroll up to the Lens Effects Parameters rollout. Choose Ring and move it to the list on the right. A ring appears around the Main Sun in the Effects Preview window.

  2. Scroll down to the Ring Element rollout and make the following settings to define the ring:

    These changes make the ring more dramatic-looking, but it still needs some intensity to make it look like a glowing Sun.

Adjust the ring effect:

By increasing the intensity of the main glow and juggling the size and thickness of the ring, you can control the size of the white-hot center of the sun.

  1. Increase the intensity of the Ring Element to 133.0.
  2. Lower the size of the ring to 14.0.
  3. Increase the thickness of the ring to 65.0.
  4. Turn on Glow Behind to place the glow from the Sun behind the planet.

    Now the Sun looks more realistic.


Adding a Star Effect