Control Light Properties
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To specify a source vector for a distant light

  1. Click Render tab Lights panel Lighting Units drop-down Generic Lighing Units.

    No lighting units are used and standard (generic) lighting is enabled.

    NoteAlternatively, you can enter lightingunits at the command prompt and set the value to 0 for standard (generic) lighting.
  2. Click Render tab Lights panel Lights In Model..At the Command prompt, enter lightlist
  3. In the Lights in Model palette, select the distant light.
  4. Click View tab Palettes panel Properties.
  5. In the Properties palette, under Geometry, use one of the following methods to change a value:

    When you change From Vector and To Vector values, the Source Vector values are updated. When you change Source Vector values directly, the From Vector and To Vector values are updated.

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