Update Referenced Drawing Attachments
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ConceptProcedureQuick Reference

When you open a drawing, all DWG references (xrefs) update automatically. You can also update xrefs whenever you want to ensure that the most current versions are displayed in your drawing.

When you open a drawing, all xrefs update automatically. Use the Reload option from the External References palette to update xrefs whenever you want to ensure that the most current versions are displayed in your drawing.

Whenever you modify and save an externally referenced drawing in a network environment, other people can access your changes immediately by reloading the xrefs in their open drawings.

Notification of Changed Xrefs

When you attach xrefs to a drawing, the program periodically checks whether the referenced files have changed since the last time the xrefs were loaded or reloaded. The XREFNOTIFY system variable controls xref notification.

By default, if a referenced file has changed, a balloon message is displayed near the Xref icon in the lower-right corner of the application window (the status bar tray). Click the link in the balloon to reload all changed xrefs.

If you close the balloon message without reloading, an exclamation point is added to the Xref icon. If you click the Xref icon, the External References palette is displayed.

By default, the program checks for changed xrefs every five minutes. You can change the number of minutes between checks by setting the XNOTIFYTIME system registry variable using (setenv "XNOTIFYTIME" "n") where n is a number of minutes between 1 and 10080 (seven days).

NoteWhen changing the value of XNOTIFYTIME, you must enter XNOTIFYTIME with the capitalization as shown.

Update Xrefs with Demand Loading Turned On

If demand loading is turned on when you load or reload an xref

For information about demand loading, see Increase Performance with Large Referenced Drawings.