Create and Modify a Drawing Set for Publishing
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To add sheets from a drawing to a drawing set for publishing

  1. Click Output tabPublish panelPublish. At the command prompt, enter publish.
  2. In the Publish dialog box, click the Add Sheets button.
  3. In the Select Drawings dialog box, select drawings. Click Select to add them to the list of sheets in the Publish dialog box.
    NoteYou can also drag drawings from the desktop into the Publish dialog box to add sheets to the list.

    All of the layouts in a drawing become individual sheets in the list of drawing sheets.

    You must remove the drawing sheets that you don't want to become a part of the drawing set. Layouts must be initialized before they can be published. (A layout is initialized if its paper size is defined in the page setup to any size other than 0 x 0.)

 Toolbar: Standard 
 Command entry: PUBLISH