Create and Modify a Drawing Set for Publishing
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You can assemble a collection of drawing sheets to publish to a plotter, plot files, DWF, DWFx, or PDF file. You can save the drawing set and modify it.

You can assemble a collection of drawing sheets to publish to a plotter, plot files, DWF, DWFx, or PDF file. You can customize your drawing set for a specific user, and you can add, remove, reorder, copy, and rename sheets in a drawing set as a project evolves.

You can publish the drawing set directly to paper and single or multiple DWF, DWFx, or PDF files. DWF, DWFx, and PDF files can be distributed using e-mail, FTP sites, project websites, or CD. You can save a description of a drawing set that has been assembled to publish in a Drawing Set Descriptions (DSD) file.