Plot Adobe PostScript Files
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Using the Adobe PostScript driver, you can use DWGs with an array of page layout programs and archive tools such as the Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF).

You can use the non-system PostScript driver to plot drawings to PostScript printers and PostScript files. Use the PS file format for printers and the EPS file format for files. If you plot to a hardware port, PS output is automatic. If you plot to a file and plan to copy the file to a printer, configure for PS output.

Use the custom Properties dialog box in the Plotter Configuration Editor to customize the output. To display this dialog box, on the Device and Document Settings tab, in the tree view, select Custom Properties. Then under Access Custom Dialog, click the Custom Properties button.

The PostScript driver supports three types of PostScript.

The Tokenize PostScript Code and Compression options in the PostScript Custom Properties dialog box reduce output file size and improve printing speed on devices that support these options. If you have problems printing, try clearing all the options. If you successfully print with no optimizations, you can try turning the options on one at a time to determine the options your printer supports.

Some desktop publishing applications only support Level 1 PostScript. If you have problems using your EPS files, try a lower PostScript level and turn off the optimizations just described.

Including a preview thumbnail in your EPS file makes the file substantially larger but allows quick preview by many applications. The WMF preview is for Windows; the EPSF preview is for Macintosh and other platforms.

NoteIncluding both preview images can triple your file size.
See Also