When plotting a drawing,
you must specify the area of the drawing to plot. The Plot dialog
box provides the following options under Plot Area.
Layout or Limits.
When plotting a layout, plots everything within the printable area
of the specified paper size, with the origin calculated from 0,0
in the layout. When plotting the Model tab, plots the entire drawing area
defined by the grid limits. If the current viewport does not display
a plan view, this option has the same effect as the Extents option.
Extents. Plots the portion of
the current space of the drawing that contains objects. All geometry
in the current space is plotted. The drawing might be regenerated
to recalculate the extents before plotting.
Display. Plots
the view in the current viewport in the Model tab or the current
paper space view in a layout tab.
Plots a view saved previously with the VIEW command. You
can select a named view from the list provided. If there are no
saved views in the drawing, this option is unavailable.
Window. Plots
any portion of the drawing you specify. Click the Window button
to use a pointing device to specify opposite corners of the area
to be plotted, or enter coordinate values.