Page setups are associated with layouts and stored in the drawing file. The settings specified in a page setup determine the appearance and format of your final output.
A page setup is a collection of plot device and other settings that affect the appearance and format of your final output. These settings can be modified and applied to other layouts.
You can select a paper size from a standard list, or you can add custom paper sizes using the Plotter Configuration Editor.
You can specify the plot area to determine what will be included in the plot.
The printable area of a drawing sheet is defined by the selected output device and is represented by the dashed line in a layout. When you change the output device, the printable area may change.
When you plot a drawing layout, you can either specify a precise scale for the layout or fit the image to the paper.
You can scale lineweights proportionately in a layout with the plot scale.
Shaded viewport and plot options settings affect how objects are plotted and are saved in the page setup.