Create Wireframe Models
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A wireframe model is an edge or skeletal representation of a real-world 3D object using lines and curves.

You can specify a wireframe visual style to help you see the overall structure of 3D objects such as solids, surfaces, and meshes. In older drawings, you might also encounter wireframe models that were created using legacy methods.

Wireframe models consist only of points, lines, and curves that describe the edges of the object. Because each object that makes up a wireframe model must be independently drawn and positioned, this type of modeling can be the most time-consuming.

You can use a wireframe model to

The ISOLINES system variable controls the number of tessellation lines used to visualize curved portions of the wireframe. The FACETRES system variable adjusts the smoothness of shaded and hidden-line objects.

Methods for Creating Wireframe Models

You can create wireframe models by positioning any 2D planar object anywhere in 3D space, using the following methods:

Wireframe modeling is a skill that requires practice and experience. The best way to learn how to create wireframe models is to begin with simple models before attempting models that are more complex.

Tips for Working with Wireframe Models

Creating 3D wireframe models can be more difficult and time-consuming than creating their 2D views. Here are some tips that will help you work more effectively: