Displays the Mesh Tessellation Options dialog box, which controls default settings for converting existing objects to mesh objects.
Displays the Mesh Primitive Options dialog box, which sets the tessellation defaults for primitive mesh objects.
Converts 3D objects such as polygon meshes, surfaces, and solids to mesh objects.
Sets the maximum angle between the surface normal and contiguous mesh faces.
Sets how closely the converted mesh object adheres to the original shape of the solid or surface.
Sets the maximum aspect ratio for the mesh subdivisions that are created for solids and surfaces converted to mesh.
Sets the maximum length of edges for mesh objects that are created by conversion from solids and surfaces.
Sets the maximum number of U and V grid lines for solids and surfaces converted to mesh.
Sets the type of mesh to be created.
Sets the minimum number of U grid lines for solids and surfaces that are converted to mesh.
Sets the minimum number of V grid lines for solids and surfaces that are converted to mesh.
Specifies whether smoothness settings for objects that are converted to mesh are derived from the Mesh Tessellation Options or the Mesh Primitive Options dialog box.
Sets the default level of smoothness for objects that are converted to mesh.