How Export to Impression Works
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To export a drawing to Impression

NoteDWFx files are not currently supported by Autodesk Impression.
  1. Click Output tab Export to Impression panel Export.
  2. In the Export to Impression dialog box, under What to Export, click one of the following options:
  3. In the Plot Style Table list, do one of the following:
  4. In the Stroke list, select the stroke to use for all exported geometry.

    To combine the lineweight and linetype of the plot style with the properties of the selected stroke, choose both a plot style and a stroke. If any other settings overlap, the plot style setting has priority.

  5. Click OK.

    The drawing is opened in Autodesk Impression. You can save and print the drawing or continue to stylize the illustration.

    NoteTo use this feature, Autodesk Impression must be installed on your system. Autodesk Impression is available exclusively to subscription customers. To learn more, visit your local Autodesk website.
 Command entry: IMPRESSION
 Toolbar: Standard