1. Blocking or unblocking an A-interface circuit may change the circuit status and the services on the A-interface may be affected.
2. If the BSC is configured with A interface in IP mode, the BSC does not support this operation.
ID | Name | Description |
SRN | Subrack No. | Meaning: subrack number Value range: 0-11 Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies the number of a subrack. 2. This is a key parameter that identifies the blocking of an A-interface CIC and specifies the number of the subrack where the A-interface CIC to be blocked resides. Default value: None |
DPCG | DPC Group No. | Meaning: DPC group number Value range: 0-31 Description: This is a key parameter that identifies the blocking of an A-interface CIC and specifies the DPC group number of the A-interface CIC to be blocked. Default value: None |
OPMODE | Operation Mode | Meaning: method to find an object Value range: BYCICRANGE(BY CIC RANGE), BYCICVALUE(BY CIC VALUE) Explanation: 1. This is a key parameter that identifies the blocking of an A-interface CIC and specifies the method to locate the A-interface CIC to be blocked. 2. BYCICRANGE: by CIC range; BYCICVALUE: by CIC value. Default value: None |
STARTCIC | Start CIC | Meaning: start CIC Value range: 0-65535 Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies the start CIC of the A-interface CIC range to be blocked. 2. This parameter is mandatory if BY CIC RANGE is selected for Operation Mode of the CIC. Default value: None |
ENDCIC | End CIC | Meaning: end CIC Value range: 0-65535 Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies the end CIC of the A-interface CIC range to be blocked. 2. This parameter is mandatory if BY CIC RANGE is selected for Operation Mode of the CIC. Default value: None |
CIC | CIC | Meaning: CIC number of the board Value range: 0-65535 Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies the number of the A-interface CIC to be blocked. 2. This parameter is mandatory if BY CIC VALUE is selected for Operation Mode of the CIC. 3. This parameter supports multiple values. Default value: None |
1. Block the A-interface circuit (Subrack No. = 5; DPC Group No. = 0; Operation Mode = BYCICRANGE; Start CIC = 0; End CIC = 255): BLK ACIC: SRN=5, DPCG=0, OPMODE=BYCICRANGE, STARTCIC=0, ENDCIC=255; 2. Block the A-interface circuit (Subrack No. = 5; DPC Group No. = 0; Operation Mode = BYCICVALUE; CIC = 0&23&30): BLK ACIC: SRN=5, DPCG=0, OPMODE=BYCICVALUE, CIC=0&23&30; Explanation: If no subrack or DPC is configured, MML Client prompts parameter error. If the typed CIC is not in the specified DPC, MML Client prompts parameter error.