1. The number of circuits that are queried at a time decides the time consumption.
2. If the BSC is configured with A interface in IP mode, the BSC does not support this operation.
3. The return text may be displayed in multiple segments if the querying contains more than 50 results.
ID | Name | Description |
SRN | Subrack No. | Meaning: subrack number of the board Value range: 0-11 Explanation: 1. This parameter specifies the number of a subrack. 2. A key field that identifies the state query of an A-interface CIC and indicates the subrack number of the A-interface CIC to be queried. Default value: None |
DPCG | DPC Group No. | Meaning: DPC group number Value range: 0-31 Description: A key field that identifies the state query of an A-interface CIC and indicates the DPC group number of the A-interface CIC to be queried. Default value: None |
QRYMODE | Query mode | Meaning: operation mode Value range: BYDPC(BY BY DPC), BYCICRANGE(BY CIC RANGE) Explanation: Description: A key field that identifies the state query of an A-interface CIC and indicates the searching mode for the A-interface CIC to be queried. 2. BYDPC(BY BY DPC): searching by subrack and DPC; BYCICRANGE(BY CIC RANGE): searching by subrack, DPC and CIC range Default value: None |
CICBEG | Start CIC NO | Meaning: start CIC number Value range: 0-65535 Explanation: 1. The start CIC of the A-interface CIC range to be queried. 2. This parameter is mandatory if the searching is based on subrack, DPC and CIC range. Default value: None |
CICEND | End CIC NO | Meaning: end CIC number Value range: 0-65535 Explanation: 1. The end CIC of the A-interface CIC range to be queried. 2. This parameter is mandatory if the searching is based on subrack, DPC and CIC range. Default value: None |
CICSTAT | CIC state | Meaning: CIC state Value range: IDLE(IDLE), OCCUPIED(OCCUPIED), FAILURE(FAILURE), UNINSTALLED(UNINSTALLE), BLOCKED(BLOCKED), PEERBLOCKED(PEERBLOCKED), PEERUNINSTALLED(PEERUNINSTALLED) Explanation: 1. A state filtering parameter for the A-interface CIC to be queried. 2. IDLE(IDLE): idle state; OCCUPIED(OCCUPIED): occupied state; FAILURE(FAILURE): failure state; UNINSTALLED(UNINSTALLE): not installed; BLOCKED(BLOCKED): blocked state; PEERBLOCKED(PEERBLOCKED): peer blocked state; PEERUNINSTALLED(PEERUNINSTALLED): peer uninstalled state. Default value: None |
Query the state of the A-interface circuits (Subrack No. = 1; DPC Group No. = 0; Query Mode = BYDPC): DSP ACIC: SRN=1, DPCG=0, QRYMOD=BYDPC; The result is as follows: +++ HUAWEI 13.08.08 07:06:58 O&M #14476 %%DSP ACIC: SRN=1, DPCG=0, QRYMODE=BYDPC;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded DSP ACIC Result --------------- CIC No. State 0 Uninstalled 1 Idle 2 Idle 3 Idle 4 Idle 5 Idle 6 Idle 7 Idle 8 Idle 9 Idle 10 Idle 11 Idle 12 Idle 13 Idle 14 Idle 15 Idle 16 Uninstalled 17 Idle 18 Idle 19 Idle 20 Idle 21 Idle 22 Idle 23 Idle 24 Idle 25 Idle 26 Idle 27 Idle 28 Idle 29 Idle 30 Idle 31 Idle (Number of results = 32) --- END Explanation: If the CIC to be queried is not in the specified DPC, MML Client prompts parameter error. If the CICs numbered 0-31 are not in idle state, MML Client prompts a successful operation without listing CICs. If there is an idle CIC numbered 0-31, MML Client prompts a successful operation with the listed CIC.