ID | Name | Description |
SRN | Subrack No. | Meaning: This parameter specifies the number of the subrack for running the command. Value range: 0-11 Explanation: The subrack number uniquely identifies a subrack. Default value: None |
SN | Slot No. | Meaning: This parameter specifies the number of the slot for running the command. Value range: 0-27 Explanation: The subrack number and slot number uniquely identify a board. Default value: None |
PN | Port No. | Meaning: Ethernet port number Value range: 0-7 Explanation: 1. For the GFGUA/GFGUB/GFGUG, the value range is 0 to 7. 2. For the GOGUA/GOGUB, the value range is 0 to 1. Default value: None |
Query the availability status of a port (Subrack No. = 0; Slot No. = 24; Port No. = 0): DSP ETHPORTAVSTAT: SRN=0, SN=24, PN=0; The result is as follows: +++ HUAWEI 2007-12-17 09:04:36 O&M #2273 %%DSP ETHPORTAVSTAT: SRN=0, SN=24, PN=0;%% RETCODE = 0 Operation succeeded Query whether the port is available. ------------------ Port No. Link Status 0 Available (Number of results = 1) --- END