The options described here are for formatting, deleting, and adding graph titles/text. These options are available in the Titles/Text dialog (accessible by right-clicking on a graph title and selecting Title Properties from the shortcut menu, or by right-clicking on graph text and selecting Text Properties from the shortcut menu).
You can also access these options via the Graph Options dialog tree view, by selecting Titles/Text (under Graph). To edit axis titles, use the axis Title dialog, or select from the Axis options in the All Options dialog tree view. Note that in order to access the Title and Multiple titles boxes on the Graph Titles/Text dialog, you must first click the More button.
Mini-formatting toolbar. The mini-formatting toolbar provides quick access to options for customizing the graph titles and/or text.
Using these buttons, you can specify font type and style, add superscripts
and subscripts, change the font attributes to bold or italics, etc. You
can place legend symbols in titles by clicking the legend button . You can include
fits or functions in titles by clicking the fit button
. You can horizontally align graph titles
by clicking the Flush Left
, Center
or Flush Right
A listing and a brief description of each of these mini-formatting toolbar
buttons are available in Mini-Formatting
Note: Support for F4. To simplify the process of editing graph display features (e.g., font color, point markers, area patterns), STATISTICA provides support for F4. This means that you can repeat the last command you performed in the graph. For example, if you have just changed the title font to Arial, 12pt, Italic, and you want to make the same change to the axis titles, simply highlight the axis title you want to update, and press F4 on your keyboard. Note that the F4 buffer is graph specific. If you switch to a different graph and press F4, you will repeat the last action performed on that graph.
Display. Select the Display check box to display the title or text on the graph (the title or text is shown in the window directly above this option). Clear this check box to hide the title or text. If you have multiple titles or text, the Display check box for each individual title or text can be selected or cleared.
Disconnect object(s) from graph. There are two different types of text in graphs. The first is editable text that you can change in the Graph Titles/Text dialog. The second is text that is automatically created and updated by STATISTICA, (e.g., graph legends, functions, statistics). This second type of text (and/or symbols) consists of separate "active objects" (e.g., the point marker symbol in a legend) that are automatically updated by STATISTICA. You can always insert new text in between active objects. You can also selectively disconnect any active object from auto updating and therefore be able to edit it (but, of course, lose the auto-updating feature) by clicking the Disconnect object(s) from graph button.
Large display.
Styles. Click the Styles button to display the Graphics Styles dialog, where you can specify a style to apply to the title or text.
Note: The next two options are available only in the Titles/Text dialog accessed by right-clicking on a graph title or graph text and selecting Title Properties from the shortcut menu (not in the options accessed by selecting Titles/Text in the All Options dialog tree view).
All Options. Click the All Options button to display the Graph Title/Text tab of the All Options dialog.
More. Click the More button to expand the Graph Title/Text dialog to display more options.
Title. By default, you can enter up to 7 titles in the active graph (although more can be added using the Multiple titles group). Each of these titles can be formatted using the formatting mini-toolbar. To edit or create a specific title, select the appropriate title in the box, and enter the text in the box provided. You can add legends and fits or functions to the titles using buttons in the formatting mini-toolbar. The five available titles are Title (shown at the top of the graph), Title (2), Subtitle (directly beneath the title), Subtitle (2), Footnote, Left Title, and Right Title. Note that unlike axis titles, which move with the axis, these titles are stationary.
Multiple titles. Use the buttons in this group to add, delete, or reposition additional titles.
Add new title. Click the Add new title button to add a new title. Note that the location of the title depends on which type of title has been selected in the list box above these buttons. For instance, clicking on this button when Footnote is selected will result in the addition of another Footnote title.
Delete. Click this button to delete the currently selected title.
Move Up, Move Down. Use these buttons to reposition the currently selected title. For example, to move the text of Title (3) to Title (2), select Title (3) and click the Move up button.
Advanced options. Use the options in this group box to change more advanced title properties.
Status. Select the title you want to change the Orientation, Vertical alignment, or Text object properties of in the Status box.
Text object properties. Click the Text object properties button to display the Text object properties dialog, in which you can adjust the properties of the "floating" text object. This button is disabled unless you select Floating in the Status box directly above.
Orientation. Use the Orientation box to adjust the orientation of the title selected in the Status box.
Vertical alignment. Use the Vertical alignment box to adjust the vertical alignment of the title selected in the Status box.
Legend symbol width. Use this option to control the width of the legend symbols. The available settings are Slim, Narrow, Medium, and Wide.
Start from line. This option specifies the first legend line displayed when there are more legend lines than can be displayed on one screen.