Property | Type | Access | Description |
r/w | The point in the anchored object to position. |
anchorSpaceAbove | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The space above an above-line anchored object. |
anchorXoffset | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The horizontal (x) offset of the anchored object. |
anchorYoffset | Measurement Unit (Number or String) |
r/w | The vertical (y) offset of the anchored object. Corresponds to the space after property for above line positioning. |
anchoredPosition | AnchorPosition: AnchorPosition.INLINE_POSITION AnchorPosition.ABOVE_LINE AnchorPosition.ANCHORED |
r/w | The position of the anchored object relative to the anchor. |
eventListeners | EventListeners EventListener |
readonly | A collection of event listeners. |
events | Events Event |
readonly | A collection of events. |
horizontalAlignment | HorizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.RIGHT_ALIGN HorizontalAlignment.LEFT_ALIGN HorizontalAlignment.CENTER_ALIGN HorizontalAlignment.TEXT_ALIGN |
r/w | When anchored position is above line, the position of the anchored object is relative to the text area. When anchored position is custom, the horizontal alignment of the anchored object is set by the horizontal reference point. Note: Not valid when anchored position is inline. |
horizontalReferencePoint | AnchoredRelativeTo: AnchoredRelativeTo.COLUMN_EDGE AnchoredRelativeTo.TEXT_FRAME AnchoredRelativeTo.PAGE_MARGINS AnchoredRelativeTo.PAGE_EDGE AnchoredRelativeTo.ANCHOR_LOCATION |
r/w | The horizontal reference point on the page. Valid only when anchored position is custom. |
isValid | bool |
readonly | Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
lockPosition | bool |
r/w | If true, prevents manual positioning of the anchored object. |
parent | Application Button CheckBox ComboBox Document EPSText FormField GraphicLine Group ListBox MultiStateObject ObjectStyle Oval Polygon RadioButton Rectangle SignatureField SplineItem TextBox TextFrame |
readonly | The parent of the AnchoredObjectSetting (a Application, Document, EPSText, SplineItem, Polygon, GraphicLine, Rectangle, Oval, Group, TextFrame, Button, FormField, SignatureField, TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, MultiStateObject or ObjectStyle). |
pinPosition | bool |
r/w | If true, pins the position of the anchored object within the text frame top and bottom. |
properties | Object |
r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
spineRelative | bool |
r/w | If true, the position of the anchored object is relative to the binding spine of the page or spread. |
verticalAlignment | VerticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.TOP_ALIGN VerticalAlignment.BOTTOM_ALIGN VerticalAlignment.CENTER_ALIGN |
r/w | The vertical alignment of the anchored object reference point with the vertical reference point on the page. Notes: Valid only when anchored position is custom. |
verticalReferencePoint | VerticallyRelativeTo: VerticallyRelativeTo.COLUMN_EDGE VerticallyRelativeTo.TEXT_FRAME VerticallyRelativeTo.PAGE_MARGINS VerticallyRelativeTo.PAGE_EDGE VerticallyRelativeTo.LINE_BASELINE VerticallyRelativeTo.LINE_XHEIGHT VerticallyRelativeTo.LINE_ASCENT VerticallyRelativeTo.CAPHEIGHT VerticallyRelativeTo.TOP_OF_LEADING VerticallyRelativeTo.EMBOX_TOP VerticallyRelativeTo.EMBOX_MIDDLE VerticallyRelativeTo.EMBOX_BOTTOM |
r/w | The vertical reference point on the page. Valid when anchored position is custom. |