Property | Type | Access | Description |
activeBook | Book |
r/w | The active book. |
activeScript | File |
readonly | The current script running from the Scripts panel. |
activeScriptUndoMode | UndoModes: UndoModes.SCRIPT_REQUEST UndoModes.ENTIRE_SCRIPT UndoModes.AUTO_UNDO UndoModes.FAST_ENTIRE_SCRIPT |
readonly | The undo mode for the current script execution. |
alignDistributePreferences | AlignDistributePreference |
readonly | Preferences for alignment and distribution. |
allCellStyles | Array of CellStyle |
readonly | All Cell styles |
allCharacterStyles | Array of CharacterStyle |
readonly | Lists all character styles (regardless of their group). |
allObjectStyles | Array of ObjectStyle |
readonly | All object styles contained by the Application. |
allParagraphStyles | Array of ParagraphStyle |
readonly | Lists all paragraph styles (regardless of their group). |
allPreflightObjectTypes | Array of string |
readonly | The list of all object types (strings) a preflight rule can operate on. |
allPreflightRuleCategories | Array of string |
readonly | The list of all categories that have been declared by rules. |
allPreflightRuleIDs | Array of string |
readonly | The list of all known (declared) rule IDs. |
allTableStyles | Array of TableStyle |
readonly | All Table styles |
anchoredObjectDefaults | AnchoredObjectDefault |
readonly | Anchored object default settings. |
anchoredObjectSettings | AnchoredObjectSetting |
readonly | Anchored object settings. |
autoCorrectPreferences | AutoCorrectPreference |
readonly | Auto-correct preferences. |
autoCorrectTables | AutoCorrectTables AutoCorrectTable |
readonly | A collection of auto-correct tables. |
baselineFrameGridOptions | BaselineFrameGridOption |
readonly | Baseline frame grid option settings. |
books | Books Book |
readonly | A collection of books. |
buttonPreferences | ButtonPreference |
readonly | Button preference settings. |
cellStyleGroups | CellStyleGroups CellStyleGroup |
readonly | A collection of cell style groups. |
cellStyleMappings | CellStyleMappings CellStyleMapping |
readonly | A collection of cell style mappings. |
cellStyles | CellStyles CellStyle |
readonly | A collection of cell styles. |
changeGlyphPreferences | ChangeGlyphPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change glyph preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
changeGrepPreferences | ChangeGrepPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change grep preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
changeObjectPreferences | ChangeObjectPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change object preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
changeTextPreferences | ChangeTextPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change text preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
changeTransliteratePreferences | ChangeTransliteratePreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Change transliterate preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
charStyleMappings | CharStyleMappings CharStyleMapping |
readonly | A collection of char style mappings. |
characterStyleGroups | CharacterStyleGroups CharacterStyleGroup |
readonly | A collection of character style groups. |
characterStyles | CharacterStyles CharacterStyle |
readonly | A collection of character styles. |
cjkGridPreferences | CjkGridPreference |
readonly | CJK grid preference settings. |
clearOverridesWhenApplyingStyle | bool |
r/w | Clear overrides first before applying object style |
clipboardPreferences | ClipboardPreference |
readonly | Clipboard preference properties that define the way that the application interacts with the system clipboard. |
colorSettings | ColorSetting |
readonly | Color setting properties that define color management defaults. |
colors | Colors Color |
readonly | A collection of colors. |
compositeFonts | CompositeFonts CompositeFont |
readonly | A collection of composite fonts. |
conditionSets | ConditionSets ConditionSet |
readonly | A collection of condition sets for conditional text. |
conditionalTextPreferences | ConditionalTextPreference |
readonly | Conditional text preferences. |
conditions | Conditions Condition |
readonly | A collection of conditions for conditional text. |
contentPlacer | ContentPlacerObject |
readonly | The Content Placer. Used to get a reference to the content placer object. |
dashedStrokeStyles | DashedStrokeStyles DashedStrokeStyle |
readonly | A collection of dashed stroke styles. |
dataMergeOptions | DataMergeOption |
readonly | The data merge option properties that define the data merge. |
dictionaryPreferences | DictionaryPreference |
readonly | User dictionary preference settings. |
documentPreferences | DocumentPreference |
readonly | Document preference settings. |
documentPresets | DocumentPresets DocumentPreset |
readonly | A collection of document presets. |
documents | Documents Document |
readonly | A collection of documents. |
dottedStrokeStyles | DottedStrokeStyles DottedStrokeStyle |
readonly | A collection of dotted stroke styles. |
epsExportPreferences | EPSExportPreference |
readonly | EPS export preferences. |
epsImportPreferences | EPSImportPreference |
readonly | EPS import preferences. |
errorListErrors | ErrorListErrors ErrorListError |
readonly | A collection of error list errors. |
eventListeners | EventListeners EventListener |
readonly | A collection of event listeners. |
events | Events Event |
readonly | A collection of events. |
excelImportPreferences | ExcelImportPreference |
readonly | Excel import preferences. |
exportForWebPreferences | ExportForWebPreference |
readonly | The default export for web preferences. |
featureSet | FeatureSetOptions: FeatureSetOptions.ROMAN FeatureSetOptions.JAPANESE FeatureSetOptions.RIGHTTOLEFT |
readonly | The feature set. |
filePath | File |
readonly | The full path to the file. |
findChangeGlyphOptions | FindChangeGlyphOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change glyph options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findChangeGrepOptions | FindChangeGrepOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change grep options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findChangeObjectOptions | FindChangeObjectOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change object options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findChangeTextOptions | FindChangeTextOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change text options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findChangeTransliterateOptions | FindChangeTransliterateOption NothingEnum |
r/w | Find/change transliterate options. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findGlyphPreferences | FindGlyphPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find glyph preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findGrepPreferences | FindGrepPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find grep preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findObjectPreferences | FindObjectPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find object preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findTextPreferences | FindTextPreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find text preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
findTransliteratePreferences | FindTransliteratePreference NothingEnum |
r/w | Find transliterate preferences. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator. |
flattenerPresets | FlattenerPresets FlattenerPreset |
readonly | A collection of transparency flattener presets. |
fontLockingPreferences | FontLockingPreference |
readonly | Font locking preference settings. |
fonts | Fonts Font |
readonly | A collection of fonts. |
footnoteOptions | FootnoteOption |
readonly | Footnote option settings. |
frameFittingOptions | FrameFittingOption |
readonly | The frame fitting option to apply to placed or pasted content. Can be applied to a frame, object style, or document or to the application. |
fullName | File |
readonly | The full path to the Application, including the name of the Application. |
generalPreferences | GeneralPreference |
readonly | General preference settings. |
gradients | Gradients Gradient |
readonly | A collection of gradients. |
gridPreferences | GridPreference |
readonly | Grid preference settings. |
gridPrintingPreferences | GridPrintingPreference |
readonly | Grid printing preference and export settings. |
guidePreferences | GuidePreference |
readonly | Guide preference settings. |
idleTasks | IdleTasks IdleTask |
readonly | All attachable idle tasks. |
imageIOPreferences | ImageIOPreference |
readonly | The image I/O preference properties that define preferences for importing images. |
imagePreferences | ImagePreference |
readonly | Image preferences. |
importedPageAttributes | ImportedPageAttribute |
readonly | Placed InDesign page attributes. |
incopyExportOptions | InCopyExportOption |
readonly | Export options for InCopy INCX document format. |
indexGenerationOptions | IndexOptions |
readonly | The index options properties that define how an index is formatted. |
indexingSortOptions | IndexingSortOptions IndexingSortOption |
readonly | A collection of indexing sort options. |
inks | Inks Ink |
readonly | A collection of inks. |
interactivePDFExportPreferences | InteractivePDFExportPreference |
readonly | Interactive PDF export preferences. |
isValid | bool |
readonly | Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
jpegExportPreferences | JPEGExportPreference |
readonly | JPEG export preferences. |
kinsokuTables | KinsokuTables KinsokuTable |
readonly | A collection of kinsoku tables. |
label | string |
r/w | A property that can be set to any string. |
languagesWithVendors | LanguagesWithVendors |
readonly | A collection of languages with vendors. |
layoutAdjustmentPreferences | LayoutAdjustmentPreference |
readonly | Layout sdjustment preference settings. |
layoutGridData | LayoutGridDataInformation |
readonly | Default properties specific to layout grids. |
libraries | Libraries Library |
readonly | A collection of object libraries. |
linkedPageItemOptions | LinkedPageItemOption |
readonly | Linked Page Item options |
linkedStoryOptions | LinkedStoryOption |
readonly | Linked story options |
linkingPreferences | LinkingPreference |
readonly | The links preference properties that define preferences for links. |
readonly | The locale of the application. |
marginPreferences | MarginPreference |
readonly | Margin preference settings. |
mixedInkGroups | MixedInkGroups MixedInkGroup |
readonly | A collection of mixed ink groups. |
mixedInks | MixedInks MixedInk |
readonly | A collection of mixed inks. |
mojikumiTables | MojikumiTables MojikumiTable |
readonly | A collection of mojikumi tables. |
mojikumiUIPreferences | MojikumiUiPreference |
readonly | Mojikumi user interface preference settings. |
motionPresets | MotionPresets MotionPreset |
readonly | A collection of Motion presets. |
name | string |
readonly | The name of the Application. |
namedGrids | NamedGrids NamedGrid |
readonly | A collection of named grids. |
numberingLists | NumberingLists NumberingList |
readonly | A collection of numbered lists. |
objectStyleGroups | ObjectStyleGroups ObjectStyleGroup |
readonly | A collection of object style groups. |
objectStyles | ObjectStyles ObjectStyle |
readonly | A collection of object styles. |
pageItemDefaults | PageItemDefault |
readonly | The default page item formatting for the Application. |
paraStyleMappings | ParaStyleMappings ParaStyleMapping |
readonly | A collection of para style mappings. |
paragraphStyleGroups | ParagraphStyleGroups ParagraphStyleGroup |
readonly | A collection of paragraph style groups. |
paragraphStyles | ParagraphStyles ParagraphStyle |
readonly | A collection of paragraph styles. |
parent | Application |
readonly | The parent of the Application (a Application). |
pasteboardPreferences | PasteboardPreference |
readonly | Pasteboard preference settings. |
pdfExportPreferences | PDFExportPreference |
readonly | A collection of PDF export preferences. |
pdfExportPresets | PDFExportPresets PDFExportPreset |
readonly | A collection of PDF export presets. |
pdfPlacePreferences | PDFPlacePreference |
readonly | The PDF place preference properties that define how PDF files are placed in the current document. |
performanceMetrics | Array of number |
readonly | The available performance metrics. |
placeableFileExtensions | Array of string |
readonly | Lists the extensions of file types that can be placed. |
placeableFileTypes | Array of string |
readonly | Lists the types of files that can be placed. |
pngExportPreferences | PNGExportPreference |
readonly | PNG export preferences. |
polygonPreferences | PolygonPreference |
readonly | Polygon preference properties to use to define default settings for creating a polygon. |
preferences | Preferences Preference |
readonly | A collection of preferences objects. |
preflightBookOptions | PreflightBookOption |
readonly | Preflight book option settings. |
preflightOptions | PreflightOption |
readonly | Preflight option settings. |
preflightProcesses | PreflightProcesses |
readonly | A collection of preflight processes. |
preflightProfiles | PreflightProfiles PreflightProfile |
readonly | A collection of preflight profiles. |
preflightRules | PreflightRules PreflightRule |
readonly | A collection of preflight rules. |
printerPresets | PrinterPresets PrinterPreset |
readonly | A collection of printer presets. |
properties | Object |
r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
scriptArgs | ScriptArg |
readonly | Arguments to pass to a script. |
scriptPreferences | ScriptPreference |
readonly | Script preferences. |
serialNumber | string |
readonly | The user's serial number. |
serverAdminPort | number |
readonly | The socket the server uses to service administrative requests. |
serverHostName | string |
readonly | The name of the machine InDesignServer is running on; either symbolic ( or IPv4 address (123.345.678.90). |
serverSettings | ServerSetting |
readonly | Runtime settings specific to server. |
spellPreferences | SpellPreference |
readonly | Spell-check preferences. |
storyGridData | StoryGridDataInformation |
readonly | Default properties specific to frame grids. |
storyPreferences | StoryPreference |
readonly | Story preference settings. |
stripedStrokeStyles | StripedStrokeStyles StripedStrokeStyle |
readonly | A collection of striped stroke styles. |
strokeStyles | StrokeStyles StrokeStyle |
readonly | A collection of stroke styles. |
swatches | Swatches |
readonly | A collection of swatches. |
swfExportPreferences | SWFExportPreference |
readonly | SWF export preferences. |
tableStyleGroups | TableStyleGroups TableStyleGroup |
readonly | A collection of table style groups. |
tableStyleMappings | TableStyleMappings TableStyleMapping |
readonly | A collection of table style mappings. |
tableStyles | TableStyles TableStyle |
readonly | A collection of table styles. |
taggedPDFPreferences | TaggedPDFPreference |
readonly | Tagged PDF preferences. |
taggedTextExportPreferences | TaggedTextExportPreference |
readonly | Tagged text export preferences. |
taggedTextImportPreferences | TaggedTextImportPreference |
readonly | Tagged text import preferences. |
textDefaults | TextDefault |
readonly | Text default settings. |
textExportPreferences | TextExportPreference |
readonly | Text export preferences. |
textFramePreferences | TextFramePreference |
readonly | Text frame preference settings. |
textImportPreferences | TextImportPreference |
readonly | Text import preferences. |
textPreferences | TextPreference |
readonly | Text preference settings. |
textVariables | TextVariables TextVariable |
readonly | A collection of text variables. |
textWrapPreferences | TextWrapPreference |
readonly | The text wrap preference properties that define the default formatting for wrapping text around objects. |
tints | Tints Tint |
readonly | A collection of tints. |
trackChangesPreferences | TrackChangesPreference |
readonly | Track changes preference settings. |
transformPreferences | TransformPreference |
readonly | Transform preference properties that define default behaviors when transforming objects. Note: Transforming includes rotation, scaling, flipping, and shearing. |
transformationMatrices | TransformationMatrices |
readonly | A collection of transformation matrices. |
transparencyPreferences | TransparencyPreference |
readonly | Transparency preference settings. |
trapPresets | TrapPresets TrapPreset |
readonly | A collection of trap presets. |
unusedSwatches | Array of Swatch |
readonly | The swatches that are not being used. |
userColor | 3 Reals (0 - 255) InCopyUIColors |
r/w | The color assigned to the tracked changes and notes created by the user, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255 and representing R, G, and B values, or as an InCopy UI color. Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or InCopyUIColors enumerator. |
userDictionaries | UserDictionaries UserDictionary |
readonly | A collection of user dictionaries. |
userName | string |
r/w | The user associated with the tracked changes and notes. |
version | string |
readonly | The application version. |
viewPreferences | ViewPreference |
readonly | View preference settings. |
watermarkPreferences | WatermarkPreference |
readonly | Watermark preferences |
wordRTFImportPreferences | WordRTFImportPreference |
readonly | Word and RTF import preferences. |
xflExportPreferences | XFLExportPreference |
readonly | XFL export preferences. |
xmlExportMaps | XMLExportMaps XMLExportMap |
readonly | A collection of XML export maps. |
xmlExportPreferences | XMLExportPreference |
readonly | XML export preference settings. |
xmlImportMaps | XMLImportMaps XMLImportMap |
readonly | A collection of XML import maps. |
xmlImportPreferences | XMLImportPreference |
readonly | XML import preference settings. |
xmlPreferences | XMLPreference |
readonly | The XML preference settings. |
xmlRuleProcessors | XMLRuleProcessors XMLRuleProcessor |
readonly | A collection of XML rule processors. |
xmlTags | XMLTags XMLTag |
readonly | A collection of XML tags. |