Property | Type | Access | Description |
eventListeners | EventListeners EventListener |
readonly | A collection of event listeners. |
events | Events Event |
readonly | A collection of events. |
isValid | bool |
readonly | Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
parent | Application Book |
readonly | The parent of the PreflightBookOption (a Application or Book). |
preflightIncludeNonprintingObjects | bool |
r/w | If true, include objects that do not print when preflighting. |
preflightIncludeObjectsOnPasteboard | bool |
r/w | If true, include objects on pasteboard when preflighting. |
preflightProfilePolicy | PreflightProfileOptions: PreflightProfileOptions.USE_EMBEDDED_PROFILE PreflightProfileOptions.USE_WORKING_PROFILE |
r/w | The policy for preflighting applied when opening a document or book, whether to use embedded profile or the another profile when the preflight is turned on. |
preflightScope | PreflightScopeOptions String |
r/w | The pages or documents to preflight, specified either as an enumeration or a string. To specify a range, separate page numbers in the string with a hyphen (-). To specify separate pages, separate page numbers in the string with a comma (,). Can return: PreflightScopeOptions enumerator or String. |
preflightWhichLayers | PreflightLayerOptions: PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_ALL_LAYERS PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_VISIBLE_LAYERS PreflightLayerOptions.PREFLIGHT_VISIBLE_PRINTABLE_LAYERS |
r/w | Which layers to preflight. |
preflightWorkingProfile | PreflightProfile String |
r/w | The working preflight profile. Can return: PreflightProfile or String. |
properties | Object |
r/w | A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |