

 Server specific runtime settings. Base Class: Preference


addEventListener, getElements, removeEventListener, toSource, toSpecifier


Event | EventListener | MutationEvent


adminPortnumber readonlyThe socket the server uses to service administrative requests.
configurationstring readonlyThe configuration name for this instance of the server.
eventListenersEventListeners EventListener readonlyA collection of event listeners.
eventsEvents Event readonlyA collection of events.
heartbeatUpdateIntervalnumber readonlyThe time interval (in seconds) at which last active timestamp of IDS is updated to IDS console app.
hostNamestring readonlyThe name of the machine InDesignServer is running on; either symbolic ( or IPv4 address (123.345.678.90).
imagePreviewbool r/wIf true, generates image previews.
iorFileFile readonlyLocation to write the IOR file for CORBA.
isValidbool readonlyReturns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.
javascriptUibool r/wIf true, makes the native JavaScript user interface available.
maximumErrorsnumber r/wMaximum number of errors to save.
onMainThreadOnlybool readonlyIf true, client requests are executed on main thread only.
parentApplication readonlyThe parent of the ServerSetting (a Application).
pluginPathsArray of File readonlyAdditional paths from which to load plugins.
portnumber readonlyThe socket the server uses to service SOAP requests.
propertiesObject r/wA property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.
sendCrashLogsbool readonlyIf true, send crash log data to Adobe.
sessionSupportLoggingEnabledbool readonlyIf true, session support logging is enabled.
sessionTimeoutnumber readonlyThe session timeout (in seconds) for soap sessions.
useConsolebool readonlyIf true, output is going to a console window.
useErrorListbool r/wIf true, errors are saved in the error list.
useEventLogbool readonlyIf true, output is redirected to the system event log.
useStructuredEventHandlerbool readonlyIf true, install structured event handler.



EventListener addEventListener (eventType: string, handler: varies[, captures: bool=false])
Adds an event listener.

eventTypestringThe event type.
JavaScript Function
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
capturesboolThis parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false)

Array of ServerSetting getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

bool removeEventListener (eventType: string, handler: varies[, captures: bool=false])
Removes the event listener.

eventTypestringThe registered event type.
JavaScript Function
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
capturesboolThis parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false)

string toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the ServerSetting.

string toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.

Element of



Array of ServerSetting ServerSetting.getElements ()

Jongware, 28-Apr-2012 v3.0.3iContents :: Index