Broadcasting an Enhancement

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Once you have created enhancement files, authored an enhancement stream, and converted the stream to low-level syntax, the next step is to broadcast your enhancements and their associated video to clients.

To broadcast enhancement data (such as announcements, files, and triggers) to clients, you can use the enhancement sender object, ipsend. Enhancements can be broadcast over any medium that supports the Internet Protocol (IP), including IP multicast routers and local area networks.

Broadcasting an enhancement consists of the following steps:

  1. Connecting to an IP broadcast protocol.
  2. Converting events to low-level syntax (This step is not necessary if the stream was written in low-level syntax.)
  3. Parsing an enhancement stream. (This step is not necessary if you use ipsend.SendEvent to transmit events.)
  4. Transmitting events.