Loading or Saving an Enhancement Stream

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

Enhancement streams can be stored as lines of stream compiler syntax in a text file. By convention, such a file has the extension .str. Storing a stream is useful if your application needs a stream for later use, or needs to modify a previously created stream.

To save a stream to a file, your application calls the EnhEvents.Store method and specifies a file name for the stream. The EnhEvents collection then stores the stream in the specified text file. If the file does not currently exist, Store creates it. If the file exists, it is overwritten.

Your application can read an enhancement stream from a file by calling the EnhEvents.Load method. If your application loads an enhancement stream from a file into an EnhEvents object that already contains an enhancement stream (that is, one or more EnhEvent objects), the two streams are merged. You can delete an enhancement stream by calling the EnhEvents.Clear method.

For more information on merging streams, see Merging Enhancement Streams.