About the Property Methods

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The methods described in this topic retrieve information about the properties of the current TSS installation. The property methods are as follows:

To retrieve the paths and names of the Microsoft® Access files where Broadcast Architecture stores security information, your application uses the ITelevisionServices::get_SystemFile and ITelevisionServices::get_DatabaseFile methods.

The ITelevisionServices::get_ScheduledItems method retrieves a collection of all currently scheduled show reminders. A show reminder reminds the user when a specific show is about to begin. Broadcast Architecture defines a show reminder as a special type of task in the Task Scheduler component of the Microsoft® Windows® 98 operating system. For more information about the collection get_ScheduledItems retrieves, see About the Scheduled Items Collection.

The remaining property methods retrieve information about the clipboard format used for show references. When Broadcast Architecture is installed, it saves information about this new clipboard format in the registry. If your application has information on the show-reference clipboard format, your application can use the clipboard to cut and paste show references. The TSS object library provides two methods, ITelevisionServices::get_ClipboardFormat and ITelevisionServices::get_ClipboardFormatName, that you can use to retrieve the identifier and name of the show-reference clipboard format.

For more information on working with the property methods, see the following topics: