MeetingStatus Property (AppointmentItem Object)

The MeetingStatus property returns or sets the overall meeting status of this appointment. Read/write.



Data Type



The MeetingStatus property is used to indicate whether this appointment represents a meeting, and if so, what its status is.

MeetingStatus can have exactly one of the following values:

MeetingStatus value

CdoNonMeeting 0 This appointment has been scheduled by this messaging user alone and does not represent a meeting (default value).
CdoMeeting 1 The appointment has been or is to be made into a meeting.
CdoMeetingCanceled 5 The meeting organizer has canceled the meeting.
CdoMeetingReceived 3 The requests for the meeting have been received by the intended attendees.

When an AppointmentItem object is first created, its MeetingStatus property contains CdoNonMeeting. The appointment becomes a meeting when you set MeetingStatus to CdoMeeting and Send it to one or more recipients. This creates a MeetingItem object for the meeting and identifies you as the Organizer. The meeting request is usually in your Sent Items folder, and the meeting responses from the recipients appear in your Inbox.

You should not send a meeting request to any recipient that represents a distribution list, because the status of its individual members cannot be returned to you. You should only send the meeting request to single messaging users. You can determine if a messaging user is a distribution list by checking the DisplayType property of the AddressEntry object representing that user.

To cancel a meeting, you set the MeetingStatus property to CdoMeetingCanceled and send it to all the recipients. Once you have sent the cancellation you can release the underlying AppointmentItem object, typically by using the Set statement to assign it to Nothing. Note that simply releasing the appointment does not cancel the meeting, and in fact can produce unexpected behavior. Only the organizer of a meeting can cancel or release it.

If you organize and then cancel a meeting when your active calendar store is Microsoft® Outlook™, you must not only release the underlying AppointmentItem object but Delete it from the Messages collection as well. Failure to do this could cause unexpected results when working with the folders and their contents.

Before you call the appointment's Send method, you must set MeetingStatus to CdoMeeting or CdoMeetingCanceled. If MeetingStatus contains any other value or is not set, Send returns CdoE_NO_SUPPORT.

Changes you make to properties on an AppointmentItem object take effect when you call the Send or Update method.