DisplayType Property (AddressEntry Object)

The DisplayType property returns the display type of the address entry. Read-only.



Data Type



The DisplayType property enables special processing based on its value, such as displaying an associated icon. You can also use the display type to sort or filter address entries.

The following values are defined:

DisplayType value

CdoAgent 3 An automated agent, such as Quote-of-the-Day.
CdoDistList 1 A public distribution list.
CdoForum 2 A forum, such as a bulletin board or a public folder.
CdoOrganization 4 A special address entry defined for large groups, such as a helpdesk.
CdoPrivateDistList 5 A private, personally administered distribution list.
CdoRemoteUser 6 A messaging user in a remote messaging system.
CdoUser 0 A local messaging user.

When you Add a new address entry to an AddressEntries collection, the DisplayType property is set by the address book provider to either CdoUser or CdoDistList, depending on which kind of address entry is being added. The DisplayType property cannot subsequently be changed.

If an address entry represents a distribution list, the Members property can be used to retrieve an AddressEntries collection containing the members of the distribution list. If the address entry is a single messaging user, the Members property returns Nothing.

A private distribution list (PDL) exists only in your personal address book (PAB) and does not have an e-mail address. Before invoking an address entry's Address or Type property, you should verify that its DisplayType is not CdoPrivateDistList. Attempted access to addressing properties on a PDL results in a return of CdoE_NOT_FOUND.

The DisplayType property corresponds to the MAPI property PR_DISPLAY_TYPE. It can be rendered into HTML hypertext using the CDO Rendering ObjectRenderer object. To specify this, set the object renderer's DataSource property to this AddressEntry object and the property parameter of the RenderProperty method to CdoPR_DISPLAY_TYPE.