AddressList Object

The AddressList object supplies a list of address entries to which a messaging system can deliver messages.

At a Glance

Specified in type library: CDO.DLL
First available in: CDO Library version 1.1
Parent objects: AddressLists collection
Child objects: AddressEntries collection
Fields collection
Default property: Name


Available since version

AddressEntries 1.1 AddressEntries collection object Read-only
Application 1.1 String Read-only
Class 1.1 Long Read-only
Fields 1.1 Field object or Fields collection object Read-only
ID 1.1 String Read-only
Index 1.1 Long Read-only
IsReadOnly 1.1 Boolean Read-only
Name 1.1 String Read-only
Parent 1.1 AddressLists collection object Read-only
Session 1.1 Session object Read-only


Available since version
IsSameAs 1.1 objAddrList2 as Object


An AddressList object represents one address book container available under the MAPI address book hierarchy for the current session. The entire hierarchy is available through the parent AddressLists collection.

An AddressList object can be rendered into HTML hypertext as the parent of an AddressEntries collection, using the ContainerRenderer object. The individual properties that can be rendered with the RenderProperty method are indicated in the AddressList object property descriptions.