AddressEntries Property (AddressList Object)

The AddressEntries property returns a single AddressEntry object or an AddressEntries collection object. Read-only.


Set objAddrEntriesColl = objAddressList.AddressEntries

Set objOneAddrEntry = objAddressList.AddressEntries(index)

Object. An AddressEntries collection object.
Object. The AddressList object.
Object. A single AddressEntry object.
Long. Specifies the number of the address entry within the AddressEntries collection. Ranges from 1 to the size of the collection.

Data Type

Object (AddressEntry or AddressEntries collection)


An AddressEntries collection is a large collection, and its size cannot necessarily be determined from its Count property. It is not safe to use the index parameter with the AddressEntries property unless an indexed loop has determined that an address entry at that position in the collection actually exists.

Although the AddressEntries property itself is read-only, the collection it returns can be accessed in the normal manner through its Add and Delete methods, and the properties on its member AddressEntry objects retain their respective read/write or read-only accessibility.

The AddressEntries property does not correspond to a MAPI property and cannot be rendered into HTML hypertext by the CDO Rendering Library. If a single AddressEntry object is returned, it could be rendered as an object by setting the ObjectRenderer object's DataSource property to the AddressEntry object returned by the AddressEntries property. If an AddressEntries collection is returned, it could be rendered as a container object by setting the ContainerRenderer object's DataSource property to the AddressEntries collection object returned by the AddressEntries property.