Options Method (Message Object)

The Options method displays a modal dialog box where the user can change the submission options for a message.


objMessage.Options( [parentWindow] )

Required. The Message object.
Optional. Long. The parent window handle for the options dialog box. A value of zero (the default) specifies that the dialog box should be application-modal.


The Options dialog box is always modal, meaning the parent window is disabled while the dialog box is active. If the parentWindow parameter is set to zero or is not set, all windows belonging to the application are disabled while the dialog box is active. If the parentWindow parameter is supplied but is not valid, the call returns CdoE_INVALID_PARAMETER.

The options are provider-specific and are registered by the provider. Providers are not required to register option sheets. When providers do not register options, the Options method returns the error code CdoE_NOT_FOUND.

Per-message options are properties of a message that control its behavior after submission. The per-message options are part of the message envelope, not its content.

The Options method cannot be called on an AppointmentItem or MeetingItem object. Any attempted call from such an object returns CdoE_NO_SUPPORT.

The following methods can invoke dialog boxes:

However, if your application is running as a Microsoft® Windows NT® service, for example from Active Server Pages (ASP) script on a Microsoft® Internet Information Server (IIS), no user interface is allowed.

For more information on Windows NT services, see the Win32® Web page Using MAPI from a Windows NT Service at http://www.microsoft.com/win32dev/mapi/mapiserv.htm. For more information on running as a service, see "Windows NT Service Client Applications" in the MAPI Programmer's Reference.