Class Property (All CDO Rendering Library Objects)

The Class property returns the object class of the object. Read-only.



Data Type



The Class property contains a numeric constant that identifies the CDO Rendering Library object. The following values are defined:

CDO Rendering Library object Class value
Type library constant
CalendarView 12 CdoClassCalendarView
Column 11 CdoClassColumn
Columns collection 10 CdoClassColumns
ContainerRenderer 3 CdoClassContainerRenderer
Format 4 CdoClassFormat
Formats collection 5 CdoClassFormats
ObjectRenderer 2 CdoClassObjectRenderer
Pattern 7 CdoClassPattern
Patterns collection 6 CdoClassPatterns
RenderingApplication 1 CdoClassApplication
TableView 9 CdoClassTableView
Views collection 8 CdoClassViews

The CDO Rendering Library reserves the value 0 for an object implementing the OLE IUnknown interface.


This code fragment traverses a Views collection to find the class of each view object it contains:

Dim colViews 
Dim objView ' could be any type of view object 
If colViews Is Nothing Then 
  objResponse.Write "Need to set the Views collection" 
End If 
For Each objView in colViews 
  strIndex = str(objView.Index) ' get view's index as a string 
  If 9 = objView.Class Then ' CdoClassTableView 
    objResponse.Write "View " & strIndex & " is a table view" 
  ElseIf 12 = objView.Class Then ' CdoClassCalendarView 
    objResponse.Write "View " & strIndex & " is a calendar view" 
    objResponse.Write "Unknown view type: class " & str(objView.Class) 
  End If 
' error handling here ...