CurrentView Property (ContainerRenderer Object)

The CurrentView property returns or sets the current view used to render an address book container or folder. Read/write.


Set objView = objContRend.CurrentView

Set objContRend.CurrentView = objNewView

objContRend.CurrentView = index

objContRend.CurrentView = name

On successful return, contains the TableView object that is currently applied to the container object being rendered.
Required. The ContainerRenderer object.
Object. The view that is to become current.
Integer. An index into the container renderer's Views collection ranging from 1 to the collection's Count property.
String. The display name of an individual TableView object in the container renderer's Views collection.

Data Type

TableView object


The view object must be a view in the container renderer's Views collection. This collection can be accessed with the container renderer's Views property. If you attempt to set the current view with a view object that cannot be found, for example if the index is out of range or there is no view with the specified name, the current view remains unchanged.

If you use the index parameter, the TableView object occupying the indicated position in the Views collection becomes the current view.

If you use the name parameter, the first view object in the collection having a matching value in its Name property becomes the current view.

Setting the CurrentView property applies the view to the container object specified in the DataSource property. If the new view is a table view, its Columns collection becomes available through the TableView object's Columns property. For more information, see Rendering Container Objects.

Setting the CurrentView property also causes the underlying AddressEntries, Messages, or Recipients collection to be repopulated. This means that the collection is altered to contain only the items passing the new view's restriction, sorted and grouped as specified by the new view. The collection's Count property is also refreshed, and access to its members through the Item property reflect the new sort order.

Repopulating the collection also means that the filter is inherited from the new view, and the AddressEntryFilter or MessageFilter object is revised to reflect the new view's restriction. Any previous settings of the filter are ignored.

If you change the CurrentView property or alter the collection's filter during execution of an indexed loop, the index reverts to 1 in your next iteration of the loop, and the repopulated collection is accessed starting with the first member according to the new restriction and sort specification.

A newly instantiated Views collection always has a default current view. This default can be specified by the directory server or message store underlying the container object. If it is not specified, the CDO Rendering Library sets it to the first view in the Views collection.