Oracle Upsizing Wizard: Step 5 – Select Tablespaces

See Also

In this step you select or create tablespaces on the Oracle server. These tablespaces will become the destination for your upsized local database and indexes.

You can choose to upsize to existing tablespaces, or optionally create new tablespaces. To help you determine whether a specific tablespace contains enough free space for your upsized table or index, Visual FoxPro displays both the unused space in the selected tablespaces and the size of your Visual FoxPro tables and indexes.

Dialog Box Options

FoxPro tables size

Displays the space in Kilobytes occupied by the FoxPro tables you've chosen to upsize.

Table tablespace size

Displays the free space available, in Kilobytes, in the tablespace named in the drop-down list box below.

FoxPro index size

Displays the space in Kilobytes occupied by the FoxPro indexes you've chosen to upsize.

Index tablespace size

Displays the free space available, in Kilobytes, in the tablespace named in the drop-down list box below.


Choose this option button to display a list of existing tablespaces in the drop-down list box.


Choose this option button to create a new tablespace.

If you choose to upsize Visual FoxPro tables to an existing Oracle tablespace, you could go to Step 6 to select a new data file for an existing tablespace, or go to Step 7.

If you chose to create a new tablespace, name your new Oracle tablespace in this step by entering the name for the tablespace in the drop-down list box. The displayed tablespace size for a new tablespace is zero. You'll allocate space for the tablespace by adding a data file to the tablespace in the next step.