search key
A binary value that can be directly compared with other search keys to help find objects related to a MAPI object. An object's search key is stored in its PR_SEARCH_KEY property. See also record key, entry identifier.
search-results folder
A MAPI folder object that contains links to messages that match specified search criteria. A search-results folder can be saved across sessions if desired. It cannot contain other folders or messages, nor can a folder or message be created in it or moved into it.
A part of either a session profile or a form configuration file containing interrelated items of information. See also profile section.
secure property
A property of a profile section with a property tag in the range 0x6600 through 0x67FF. A secure property is set by a service provider, and is encrypted and invisible to a client application. To view a secure property, it is necessary to ask specifically to view it. Secure properties are typically used for credentials such as passwords.
Sent Items folder
A folder within the interpersonal message (IPM) subtree that is designated to hold copies of messages after they are sent. These copies are saved only if the message store provider supports this functionality and the user of the client application requests it. See also IPM subtree.
service provider
A MAPI component that allows a client application to use the services of a messaging system. A service provider is typically part of a message service and offers address book, form management, message store, messaging hook, profile section, or transport services. See also address book provider, form library provider, message store provider, messaging hook provider, profile provider, transport provider. For more information, see Service Provider Basics.
service provider interface
(SPI) The set of interfaces and functions that are implemented or used by service providers. The MAPISPI.H header file contains definitions of all the interface methods and functions in the service provider interface.
An active connection between a client application and the MAPI subsystem. As part of the logon procedure, which initiates the session, the client application selects a profile, which identifies the available messaging operations and the service providers available to handle the operations. A session implements the IMAPISession : IUnknown interface.
session handle
A handle to a session initiated by a client application using Simple MAPI or Common Messaging Calls. Session handles are returned by the MAPILogon or MAPILogonEx function at logon time.
session pointer
A pointer to a MAPI session made available to the client application that logs on to the session. A session pointer is unique to the initiating client and is not valid in any other task.
shared session
A MAPI session that can be used by multiple client applications on a given computer.
short-term entry identifier
An entry identifier of limited duration and scope. It is typically used only for a single operation and is not stored for later use. It can, however, be converted into a long-term entry identifier.
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
(SMTP) An Internet standard for electronic mail among clients having common access to a server for message storage. The SMTP standard is specified in the RFC 821 document, and the message format is included in the RFC 822 document. For more information, see Mapping of Internet Mail Attributes to MAPI Properties.
Simple MAPI
A set of functions that is a component of the MAPI client interface and that enables basic messaging features to be added to a client application. It provides a layer between the client application and the MAPI client interface component. See also Common Messaging Calls, Active Messaging Library.
single-valued property
A property for which the data structure contains one property value of the specified property type. See also multivalued property. For more information, see About Property Types.
See messaging domain.
See Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
See service provider interface.
See MAPI spooler.
spooler hook
See messaging hook provider.
standard contents table
A table of the information in a folder that is normally visible to the user. It typically contains messages and subfolders that belong to the folder. See also associated contents table, contents table, form, message, view descriptor.
static table
A table that does not change as its underlying data changes. Provider and profile tables are examples of static tables. See also dynamic table.
status table
A MAPI table object that provides access to information about each service provider in the active profile, the MAPI spooler and MAPI subsystem, and the address book. The status table describes the state of a MAPI session.
store-and-forward messaging
A messaging model wherein messages are forwarded from a local message store to a component that saves and delivers them if possible. If delivery is not possible with the requested transport provider, this component either forwards messages to another transport provider or holds onto them until the requested transport provider is available. With MAPI, the MAPI spooler performs the store-and-forward function.
See registration.
support object
A MAPI object presented to a service provider at logon time that furnishes implementations of commonly used methods as well as certain contextual data such as the last error. For more information, see Using A Support Object.