File Transfer Channel

The File Transfer Channel object, which is derived from the Channel object, contains manipulation functions specific to file transfer channels.

To obtain a File Transfer Channel object, use INmChannel::QueryInterface with the IID_INmChannelFt interface identifier.

In addition to the INmChannel Interface methods, this interface implements the following:

INmChannelFt Interface
INmChannelFtNotify Interface

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INmChannelFt Interface

This interface manages the file exchange between members of a conference.


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HRESULT GetReceiveFileDir(
[out] BSTR *pbstrDir);

Retrieves the path to the directory where the received file will be stored.

Pointer to a BSTR for the path to the directory where a received file will be stored.

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[out] INmFt **ppFt,
[in] INmMember *pMember,
[in] BSTR bstrFile,
[in] ULONG uOptions);

Sends a file through the channel.

Pointer to a pointer to the INmFt Interface on the File object to be sent.
Pointer to the INmMember Interface on the Member object that will receive the file. This can be NULL if the file is sent to everyone.
BSTR containing the full path of the file to be sent.
Reserved for future use. Should be set to 0.

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HRESULT SetReceiveFileDir(
[in] BSTR bstrDir);

Sets the path to the directory where the received file will be stored on the local computer.

BSTR for the path to the directory where a received file will be stored.

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INmChannelFtNotify Interface

This is an event notification sink interface for the INmChannelFt interface. The method in this interface is called by the File Transfer Channel object when a specific event occurs.

This event sink method should be defined and implemented by the client application to respond to notifications from a File Transfer Channel object. The INmChannelFtNotify::FtUpdate method is notified when a change in the file transfer has occurred. The client application implementation of this method could provide the user with a display that indicates when the transfer is started, offered, canceled, or any of the other possible states.


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[in] CONFN uNotify,
[in] INmFt *pFt);

Receives file transfer progress notifications.

Identifier of an event constant during a file transfer. Constants include:
CONFN_FT_CANCELED A file transfer has been canceled.
CONFN_FT_COMPLETE A file transfer is complete (this is the final notification for a given file transfer).
CONFN_FT_OFFERED A file is being offered (reserved for future use).
CONFN_FT_PROGRESS A file transfer has made some progress (applications should update their user interface).
CONFN_FT_STARTED A file transfer has started (this is the first notification for a given transfer).
CONFN_FT_UI Display the user interface for a file transfer (reserved for future use).
Pointer to the INmFt Interface on the File Transfer Channel that changed.

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HRESULT MemberChanged(
[in] NM_MEMBER_NOTIFY uNotify,
[in] INmMember *pMember);

Receives notification that a member of the File Transfer channel was added, removed, or updated. This method is inherited from INmChannelNotify.

Identifier of an event constant during a conference. This can include the following values:
NM_MEMBER_ADDED A member was added to the conference.
NM_MEMBER_REMOVED A member was removed from the conference.
NM_MEMBER_UPDATED Information for a conference member was updated.
Pointer to the INmMember Interface on the Member object that changed.

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[in] CONFN uNotify);

Receives event notification when a channel change occurs. Only the application in charge (initialized with NM_INIT_CONTROL) of the NetMeeting user interface will receive these notifications. This method is inherited from INmChannelNotify.

Reserved for future use.

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Last Updated: November 1, 1997
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