The Conference object provides the following interface:
This interface provides the following properties:
and the following methods:
This section describes the properties for the IConferenceX interface.
BSTR *pbstrName);
Indicates a conference name string. The conference name is the name passed in when the object is created by CreateConference, or is the name that exists when another user's conference is joined.
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT Capabilities(
LONG *plConfCaps);
Indicates which types of conferences (audio, data, video) the conference was originally created with.
Back to IConferenceX Interface
LONG *plConfState);
Indicates the state of the conference.
CNF_STATE_ACTIVE | The conference is active and can be used. |
CNF_STATE_IDLE | The conference is idle (just created). |
CNF_STATE_INITIALIZING | The conference is being initialized. |
CNF_STATE_OFFERED | The conference is offered. |
CNF_STATE_STOPPING | The conference is being terminated. |
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT Members(
IConfMembers **ppMembers);
Indicates a collection of existing Member objects when a conference is active.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT Applications(
IConfApplications **ppApplications);
Indicates a collection of Client Application objects available to this conference.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT ChannelInterfaces(
IChanInterfaces **ppChanInterfaces);
Indicates a collection of Channel interfaces available to the conference. The interfaces signify how the channel can be used.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT Channels(
IConfChannels **ppChannels);
Indicates a collection of Channel objects available to the conference.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
Back to IConferenceX Interface
This section describes the methods for the IConferenceX interface.
IConfUserX *pUser,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Invites a new user to the conference. If the conference is inactive, it becomes active when the invited user accepts the invitation.
This method is asynchronous (an event notification will be returned later if the invitee accepts).
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT AcceptInvite(
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Accepts an invitation to a conference.
This method will not be implemented for the first release because the underlying Win32® APIs do not support it. For the first release, invitations will have to be accepted from Microsoft® NetMeeting.
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HRESULT RejectInvite(
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Rejects an invitation to a conference.
This method will not be implemented for the first release because the underlying Win32 APIs do not support it. For the first release, invitations will have to be rejected from Microsoft NetMeeting.
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IConfUserX *pUser,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Joins a user who already has a conference running.
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT AcceptJoin(
IConfUserX *pUser,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Accepts a request from a user to join a conference.
This method will not be implemented for the first release because the underlying Win32 APIs do not support it. For the first release, joining will have to be accepted from Microsoft NetMeeting.
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT RejectJoin(
IConfUserX *pUser,
BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Rejects a request from a user to join a conference.
This method will not be implemented for the first release because the underlying Win32 APIs do not support it. For the first release, joining will have to be rejected from Microsoft NetMeeting.
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT CreateChannel(
BSTR bstrID,
IConfChannelX **ppChannel);
Returns an instance of a new Channel object with the specified interface.
S_OK | Success. The requested number of elements was returned. |
E_OUTOFMEMORY | Memory could not be allocated to service the request. |
E_UNEXPECTED | An unknown error occurred. |
This method is not supported in the current version.
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BOOLEAN *pfSucceeded);
Removes the local computer from the active conference.
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IConferenceX *pConference,
BOOLEAN *pfSame);
Identifies whether the two Conference objects represent the same conference.
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT Advise(void);
Enables advisements (events) for the IConferenceX interface.
Back to IConferenceX Interface
HRESULT Unadvise(void);
Disables advisements (events) for the IConferenceX interface.
Back to IConferenceX Interface
Last Updated: November 1, 1997
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