enumUserMode EnumerationenumUserMode Enumeration*

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enumUserMode Enumeration

Used in the OnUserProperty, OnUserPropertyChanged, OnInvitation, and OnKnock events, the QueryUserProperty and ChangeUserProperty methods, and the UserProperty property.

umNone Value = &H0.
umClientIgnored Value = &H1. The user is ignored by the caller.
umNotClientIgnored Value = &H2. The user is not ignored by the caller.
umAuthUser Value = &H4. The user is authenticated.
umNotAuthUser Value = &H8. The user is not authenticated.
umAway Value = &H10. The user is currently away.
umNotAway Value = &H20. The user is not currently away.
umSysop Value = &H40. The user is a system operator.
umNotSysop Value = &H80. The user is not a system operator.
umAdmin Value = &H100. The user is an administrator.
umNotAdmin Value = &H200. The user is not an administrator.
umInvisible Value = &H400. The user is invisible.
umNotInvisible Value = &H800. The user is not invisible.
umNotices Value = &H1000. The user accepts server notices.
umNoNotices Value = &H2000. The user does not receive server notices.
umWallops Value = &H4000. The user receives wallops. A wallops is an IRC feature that will send a message to all operators online that have +w set on their user mode. Different IRC servers have various restrictions on who can send and read wallops.
umNoWallops Value = &H8000. The user does not receive wallops.