Active ChannelsActive Channels*

Contents  *

Index  *Topic Contents

*Previous Topic: The User Experience
*Next Topic: Adding an Active Channel to the Desktop

Active Channels

This document describes how users interact with Active Channels for Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0. Details are provided on how users add and remove channels from their desktop, as well as how channel subscriptions are managed.

arrowr.gifIntroduction to Active Channels

arrowr.gifAdding an Active Channel to the Desktop

arrowr.gifRemoving an Active Channel

arrowr.gifManaging an Active Channel Subscription

Introduction to Active Channels

An Active Channel is a Web site described by a Channel Definition Format (CDF) file. The information contained in the CDF includes the hierarchy of the Web pages and resources available for that channel, as well as a schedule recommended by the Web publisher for updating the information in the channel. This document describes the user interface associated with Active Channels, including how users can manage their channels. CDF elements corresponding to a specific feature or user interface element are indicated where applicable. For demonstration purposes, the Internet Client SDK channel is used throughout this document. This channel is available by navigating to Channel Preview with Internet Explorer 4.0 and clicking the Add Active Channel button. Note that some of the images and text shown for this channel are subject to change.

Note Additional information on channels and CDF files is available in Content Delivery Mechanisms, Creating Active Channels, and the CDF Reference for Active Channels.

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